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It's good to see some folks on HN who have an interest in Singularity-like concepts. It makes me want to take this opportunity to ask if anybody has noticed the similarities between those projects and things going on over in the LLVM world.

To my eyes, LLVM brings many of the same things to the table as the Bartok compiler, which also uses an SSA IR to provide the safety needed to run everything in ring 0.

Furthermore, if one reads the pubs directory over at llvm.org, one sees research papers where a few instructions were added (LLVA) that give LLVM the ability to host a modified version of linux where everything is managed within LLVM, save a very tiny shim between LLVM and the hardware.

There's also some papers on LLVM-SVA (Secure Virtual Architecture) where the same concept is extended to "enforce fine-grained (object level) memory safety, control-flow integrity, type safety..."

So to my amateur eyes, it looks like these research projects are very similar, with one being less overt about the direction it's headed.

Am I high? Has anybody else noticed this?

Yes! I've also seen the similarities between all of these things and LLVM.

Part of LLVM is an interest in correctness. I've seen more of an interest in these areas in research as well. For example, there was even a recent research highlight in an ACM magazine about "Formal Verification of a Realistic Compiler": http://pauillac.inria.fr/~xleroy/publi/compcert-CACM.pdf

Plus, newer companies like Coverity (http://www.coverity.com/html/research-library.html) bring a sense of credibility to a practice that hasn't had much traction in the industry.

I think all of these ideas can come together to make something quite useful. But I suppose bringing it all together is the hard part :)

Update: I also saw lots of cool associations to the Self Programming Language (http://research.sun.com/self/language.html), which includes some great research, especially in their paper "Self: The Power of Simplicity": http://research.sun.com/self/papers/self-power.html

More current Self link is the official homepage at http://selflanguage.org

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