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That was my first thought as well. But it I'm afraid the "right now" is the key part of your first sentence.

It doesn't really seem like TC is trying to help startups with the prize. It looks more like an attempt to push out DEMO so they can become the only major startup demo-event.

The article is written as if DEMO added the prize money as an attack on TC50 and as if DEMO is trying to trick entrepreneurs with fake rates and hidden expenses. None of it backed up in any way.

To me the article look like FUD and the TC50/DEMO war fairly one sided.

Exactly. The post starts with: "Despite our best intentions, it looks like the DEMO v. TechCrunch50 war will continue" but clearly Michael Arrington is fueling the war as much as DEMO is: "if DEMO increases their number, we’ll increase ours to stay at 2x whatever they are at"

Being the peaceful one would be not to react to what the other one is doing...

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