import fuckit
from string import ascii_lowercase, digits
from random import choice, randint
def defuckify(test_fn, fn_name, n_arguments):
''' Randomly generate functions until the test passes
defuckified_fn = ('def %s(' % fn_name)
for i in range(n_arguments):
arg_name = ('arg%d,' % i) if i != n_arguments else ('arg%d' % i)
defuckified_fn += arg_name
defuckified_fn += '):'
exec('def '+ fn_name + '():\n pass\n')
while not test_fn():
for i in range(randint(100,10000)):
defuckified_fn += choice(' \n,[](){}\'"=+-*/%:'+ ascii_lowercase + digits)
with fuckit:
Edited to use fuckit instead of try/catch
Edited again to add that it has been over an hour and it hasn't been able to make a function that returns 3
If anyone's interested, the likelihood of a string with a length between 100 and 1000 characters which contains characters randomly selected from digits, lowercase letters, spaces and the following characters: \n,[](){}'."=+-*/%: is valid python is something like 0.015% (determined empirically)
I just ran the part that generates a function with a random string as the body and called the function that it generated, and counted the calls that didn't throw anything. As I threw it together in all of 5 minutes I'm sure there are flaws in the methodology
Also the defuckify code I posted is not exactly right, as it was sort of a joke but it's pretty easy to fix
Awhile back I tried to make a markov chain generator that consumed a bunch of source code of javascript (or whatever language) and then spit out random code to execute with fuckit.js.
You could try something similar to easily produce random python code that will be correct a much higher percent of the time.
The problem was comments screwed it up since it would randomly put comments in code and comment out actual code.
Edited again to add that it has been over an hour and it hasn't been able to make a function that returns 3