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Design Trends: Coolest iPhone APP Website Designs (spyrestudios.com)
8 points by jonphillips on July 3, 2009 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

You know... if Apple threw another one of their copyright dickyfits almost all of those sites could be faced with nasty letters from their legal department. After-all, most of them have a big whopping pic of an iPhone on their homepage.

Bear in mind, Apple frequently won't allow apps to be published just because they have an icon representing an iPhone and usually cite 'copyright' as the reason for not allowing it.

They actually give some pretty sweet 'official' images to use on marketing websites, which is why all the enormous iPhone images look exactly the same.

However, they also have forms that have to be mailed (mailed) in to be able to use the materials, so they legally cover their ass by licensing said materials instead of just handing them out to anyone who stops by.

Good find, always nice to see some visual inspiration.

The App called "Spiffing" actually seems pretty useful, I like the really lightweight take on to-do lists.

our website was very similar but then our business model changed, and we developed apps for desktop and web which sync, so we had to go back to mainstream website design...

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