If a start-up had done this, they'd write a blog called "how we hacked cyber monday" and the CEO would be your new man-crush, he'd then write an e-book called "PR hacking for profit and more profit", you'd drool when he spoke at the next TED, then a couple years from now your review of the prime air service would be full of OMGs
My point is it's a smart move now for the PR and in the future for what this tech could do, one does not damn the other. Amazon has more than proven its tech chops are beyond that of a just a website, combine that with the fact that the copter tech has been advancing on it's own at a fast pace and I think you'd be a fool to bet against Amazon on this one.
If they develop the technology, they're not restricted to using it in the USA. Some country will allow them, then it's another issue of the USA lagging behind due to regulations and we'll get it eventually. Bezos was more than transparent about 2015 being the best case scenario and not giving any true expectations. Either way, it's a matter of when, not if.
If a start-up had done this, they'd write a blog called "how we hacked cyber monday" and the CEO would be your new man-crush, he'd then write an e-book called "PR hacking for profit and more profit", you'd drool when he spoke at the next TED, then a couple years from now your review of the prime air service would be full of OMGs
My point is it's a smart move now for the PR and in the future for what this tech could do, one does not damn the other. Amazon has more than proven its tech chops are beyond that of a just a website, combine that with the fact that the copter tech has been advancing on it's own at a fast pace and I think you'd be a fool to bet against Amazon on this one.
If they develop the technology, they're not restricted to using it in the USA. Some country will allow them, then it's another issue of the USA lagging behind due to regulations and we'll get it eventually. Bezos was more than transparent about 2015 being the best case scenario and not giving any true expectations. Either way, it's a matter of when, not if.