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Ask HN: Do you use Google Now?
12 points by _rjlt on Dec 2, 2013 | hide | past | favorite | 19 comments
I kind of wanted to get a general feeling on how people feel about Google Now. I'm severely tempted to install it on my Nexus, but am balking at Google knowing my location history over time.

Do you use Now anyway? If not or if you have concerns, what are they?

Yes, I use it. Once Google Now gave me a fantastically useful recommendation for an Indian restaurant when I was on a trip out of town. The restaurant was within walking distance of my hotel, but I never would have known it was there without Google Now. That alone made me glad I have Google Now on my Nexus 4.


I'm finding Google Now to be a very cool idea. I know Google is constantly mining my data for ad purposes. Google Now points some of that in my direction. It's still feels like it's in beta, let's hope it doesn't get the Google Axe.

On a side note with Glass and Google Now, I can't help but think Google will want to listen in on my daily conversations and serve relevant ads. Like if I've been talking about how I need to get my oil changed, then Google could send me a coupon to a Jiffy Lube nearby. Or maybe just drive my car there!

P.S. Great place! Congrats on the find.

Google Now is great if you travel a lot by road and have regularly occurring destinations and/or at regular times. It has a great ability to predict "Are you going to xyz?" - If you answer yes, it already knows where you are going and presents the satnav all ready to go with traffic reports etc. I find that so so handy.

I try not to use anything related to Google. This includes their technologies like Go and AngularJS. Not that the NSA has necessarily compromised those too, but it's a matter of principal; the same reason I don't shop at Wal-Mart or eat at McDonalds: I do not trust them to do the right thing.

Do you actually succeed at this? TMK there's no decent alternative to Gmail and Gvoice, the two things that keep me hooked the most.

Not sure about voice, but a decent alternative to Gmail is Zoho's email solution.

Nope. Google Now would piss me off no end so I disabled it. It'd constantly disturb me with crap I didn't need to or want to know. In fact, it really didn't contribute any value to my life and at times just felt creepy.

Partially on.

I find it too creepy. Especially after the Snowden leaks. My life isn't that interesting, but still. If my location data could be anonymised somehow then I'd be more happy allowing Google access to my location data.

I do use the reminder feature though, which is part of Google Now I believe.

TL;DR: I have location sharing switched off on my Nexus 4 because I find it intrusive. Google Now is switched on, but useless without location data.

So I guess I should just keep it off. I wouldn't be surprised of Google does track my location anyway despite location services turned off, and just doesn't show it to me.

The phone company already knows your location history, so I'm like why not.

The annoyance with Google Now is the fickleness of what it decides to give you. "This would be the perfect time for card X" means it will probably be the one time it doesn't show up.

"It's 2am, he's leaving a concert somewhere strange in Los Angeles... let's show him the "Drive to Work" card."

Yes, I use it and I think it is pretty cool. Mostly, it is just a quick way to navigate to what I need on my smart phone without having to open the app folder, find the app, navigate to the item of interest within the app. It also integrates nicely with calendar events and Google Keep. You might be able to use it (in limited capacity) without sharing location data.

I travel a lot and have standard routes, so flights, drive times, etc are great. Also, it knows the sports teams I like, so the info is usually around when I want it.

However, the most amazing thing is when I get email receipts with tracking info in them, I get a card that reminds me of it, with a link to check the status.

Pretty amazing and only getting better.

I used to until 4.4 introduced Web Updates, so Google Now would bug we with updates to websites I don’t even remember visiting or haven’t been to in ages. They said in Help that there was a way to turn off that feature but I was only able to turn off specific cards for each site…

Yes, I use it to check weather and get traffic updates. quite less information is shown on cards. But, if you are not using it, you aren't missing much!

I use it to know traffic and weather, as well as keep track of shipments, but I do not use Web Search History.

Yep, I like the way it tells me how long my journey to uni in the morning is going to take.


I do a lot of driving to get around, and Google Now has been a huge help in the very simple things I need my phone to do -- navigation, scheduling, and so forth.

No. Searching on Google is akin to using a public washroom where video cameras have been installed.

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