If you read the article to the end, you realize that the author has big problems with Amazon, but they have nothing to do with drones. He is using an uptick in publicity about Amazon to voice his opposition to Amazon's business practices.
As to the issues he raised with the idea itself, the reality is that every single one of the issues will be resolved. This type of delivery, along with privately owned drones carrying out mundane tasks that would normally have us driving around town, is our future. It will happen, the only question is when.
I wasn't refuting anything. Just stating a fact: this author is clearly not making impartial judgments about the company. His objections appear to have more to do with his anti-Amazon feelings than anything else.
As to the issues he raised with the idea itself, the reality is that every single one of the issues will be resolved. This type of delivery, along with privately owned drones carrying out mundane tasks that would normally have us driving around town, is our future. It will happen, the only question is when.