Taxes? I'm not proposing anything by the way, just explaining that mincome isn't a proposal to print a bunch of new money. I think the idea is that it replaces current welfare programs.
That's absurd, of course people will work. Why does anyone work right now when there are already welfare programs?
By your logic there would be no sense in companies paying bonuses--if you already have a guaranteed salary why would you do anything more than the minimum?
This is not welfare. This is giving money to every single person, and you cannot do that without negatively impacting the value of the currency. Reality sucks, but we still have to live in it.
How is it not welfare in your estimations? It's nearly the dictionary definition of welfare.
Why would it negatively impact the value of the currency and how is that any different than the current state of welfare (where only some people receive it)?
Because welfare, being given to only a small percentage of the population, can be funded out of taxes from the much larger pool of people not receiving welfare. But if everyone were suddenly on welfare, the system would quickly run out of money. We would then have to print more money.
Your argument seems to rest on the false assumption that (like welfare) anyyone who receives the basic income is not paying taxes.
In fact, a lot of people would pay considerably more taxes than the basic income they're getting. Yes, that's not perfectly efficient, but still more efficient than the bad-incentive-riddled beaurocracies that exist to ensure that welfare goes only to the "deserving poor".
You seem to be under the impression that this is not being done already. That impression would be wrong. The treasury creates trillions of new dollars every year.
People won't accept full-time low-wage shitty-manager jobs, because they won't accept their lives being poisoned by shitty managers, and they will have the choice.
But most shitty managers are shitty because they have power over their low-education personal (which can be easily replaced, and job market is not good these day). Those workers will take part-time ok-manager jobs, mostly because they want to contribute to society, also because they might get bored.
Also, in most of Europe, University cost is quite low (like, less than 1k€ / year, instead a life-long debt like 'some' country can pull out), so universal income could bring interesting trends in education.
Not everyone would go back to school, maybe almost no one at first, but I would expect views to change rather quickly on that subject.