it obviously phases out as income increases. You avoid the disincentive by making the phase out smaller in slope than the increase in income. i.e. every dollar you earn removes 30 cents of basic income.
I really dislike how little people think BI systems through before dismissing them. You are smarter than all the economists who support it?
Yes; if you'd bothered to read the last paragraph of my comment before responding to it, you would have seen that I reached the same conclusion.
> I really dislike how little people think BI systems through before dismissing them
I really dislike how people like you can't be bothered to read and comprehend someone's comments before making these little dismissive responses. You should work on your reading comprehension before you accuse other people of not thinking things through.
I really dislike how little people think BI systems through before dismissing them. You are smarter than all the economists who support it?