This. I am an engineer and work hard because I enjoy the feeling of success as well as the wealth, but for many people (I believe most) this is not the case. On both sides of my family most heavily use government aid when they can and don't care about being successful but simply about getting by. My brother is obsessed with WoW and doesn't care about his future and my mother is perfectly content to just watch TV all day every day while my dad takes care of them both. Enjoying hard work is something you learn and is a feeling that the HN community seems to believe everyone has when really we are in the minority.
No... I'm saying that while we on the HN community like to believe that everyone makes honest effort to do great things with their careers most people work to make a living, and if given the option of not having to work and still make a living that they would choose not to work. I myself might consider from time to time not working if I could do so with a decent livable income and I think the majority of people would be OK with the basics if it meant they had all of their time to themselves.