I guess I'm cool with it but I really wish it was scaled with income (like every $2 earned decrease payment by $1) and paid daily M-F.
I do worry about politicians buying votes by promising more money each election. There are some fairly hard solutions, but they go against our current political tradition. I've heard a means testing for voting saying that if you take more money than you pay, you are ineligible to vote or sit on a jury.
[edit] I assume that all the other programs would be removed including student loans, unemployment, minimum wage, welfare, etc.
I do worry about politicians buying votes by promising more money each election. There are some fairly hard solutions, but they go against our current political tradition. I've heard a means testing for voting saying that if you take more money than you pay, you are ineligible to vote or sit on a jury.
[edit] I assume that all the other programs would be removed including student loans, unemployment, minimum wage, welfare, etc.