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I have a mirror of this site. wooledge.org runs off of greycat's (#bash on freenode) home DSL connection:


Seriously? They can't find a better place to host a site like this here in 2013?

If you already have a machine serving stuff at home, adding a remote server is only time, money, and effort spent. Is it worth it? Not all sites are high in volume, and even well prepared sites on decent lines can go down if it hits the HN front page.

People do occasionally bitch and moan about slow downloads from my home host, but nobody ever offered money for a pain-free alternative.

Google doc, gist, tumblr, any free blog engine.

None of which are pain-free to me.

Dropbox? Unless you're pushing gigabytes per day it should make a perfect static host with urls no more ugly than previously mentioned services.

Thanks. I don't understand why people submit links with content that can't be accessed by more than a few users simultaneously.

How would one know this in advance?

How would one know in advance that submitting to HN would result in traffic consisting of more than a handful of users?

How would one know in advance whether a site can handle high traffic?

And did I really have to spell this out?

Well it is the main reference but it won't sustain the "HN effect", thanks for the mirror link. I typically use http://wiki.bash-hackers.org/doku.php which also provides a mirror and some extras.

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