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Show HN: MMORPG in 55KB of Javascript (aberoth.com)
178 points by simple1 on Nov 19, 2013 | hide | past | favorite | 51 comments

Hey, this is really terrific! Extremely impressive, especially the fact it's so small (code size). This expresses a real retro sensibility that most "retro" style games miss: pixel art shouldn't take up megabytes of space.

I think you should do something with this. You've actually got something you could spread far and wide, in this. It's shocking how few Web-based MMO experiences there are like this. This is the point where I say "quit your day job." Unless this is your day job.

To whit: such a small MMO could become a nice little business for you. People will pay for cosmetic stuff, and they love to idle in virtual worlds...

Wow, thanks for the encouragement! I am indeed making a business out of this, and so far I sell memberships, character customizations, vault upgrades, and name changes. The income has not reached "quit my day job" yet, but I am still actively developing and marketing the game, and I'm hopeful for the future! Any ideas on how I could "spread this far and wide"?

I think you've got a few options. Route 1 is to spread it by hand, post it on 4chan /v/ or on Neogaf and ask for advice there, as you did here.

Second option is to buy actual ads on those same sites, Facebook, Twitter.

But the best option, though the hardest, is for you to begin making the game show off your personality a bit more. Make it more unique. Think Kingdom of Loathing or Candy Box: both have totally unique writing and worlds, and aren't just the standard orcs and goblins. What are you into, personally? What's some private joke you have with yourself you can spread across this game like a layer of butter?

Finally, giving people more ownership of the game world will encourage them to invite friends. Perhaps an "invite 5 friends, get your own house in the game" type thing. Growing it via social networks is half of that, but the other half is allowing players to have something in the world they'd want to show to someone else.

Good luck! You're already doing a great job. Watch player growth religiously. It's your guide to where advertising works.

Kickstarter? If the goal is free to play with cosmetic items, then you could maybe do well to have chunks of game functionality as (stretch) goals, with cosmetic items as rewards?

It seems that this started in 2010:


Comments from other people trying out the game are hilarious:

    - I was alive once... it was awful
    - This is way better than GTA
    - How do I give you my money
    - Which way's the strip club

I first released the game in 2010. There was originally only one small area to run around in, and it was running off my DSL line, so it could only support 5-10 players. Also, the client was only available as a Java applet. Websockets made it possible to create a Javascript client. There is also a mobile version available which includes controls for touch.

The first comment is a quote from Dark Souls.

Fantastic game.

Where can I read more about the technologies used? I'm especially interested in how you are using WebSockets to achieve such smooth real-time. I was always under the impression that WebSockets was unsuitable for multiplayer games like this.

TCP is pretty well suited for MMORPG's, World of Warcraft uses TCP too.

UDP is needed for games that need more consistent accurate response times, like FPS and racing games.

Hopefully when WebRTC datachannels get browser support we'll finally see those too :)

there are fps games with more people in the same area as mmos...

For me it's only showing this message.

"Session has ended"

I'm not sure what the causes this. I always get this error when trying to run Aberoth from Apple stores (and I have tried 3 different stores). I can't debug or fix the problem because I have not seen it anywhere else. The Java version might work.

Is this a proxy issue, maybe? Don't know enough about WebRTC and proxies, yet.

same here. maybe the "login" button at the bottom does something

Um, when I try to access the site, I get this:


For posterity's sake, I'll explain the image: it's Norton blocking the site, citing an extremely vague 'drive-by download' threat:


The site owner may want to get in touch with Symantec to figure out what's going on.

Thanks for pointing this out! I went ahead and registered and disputed the 'threat', so hopefully this warning will go away once they have manually reviewed the site.

Would like to see:

    - Mining
    - Auction House
    - Scripting language
    - Player driven economy like crafting
You will eventually need some kind of gold sink to balance out the inflationary nature of in game currencies.

Great job. How do you prevent cheating? Are you validating every action on the server?

Basically, the only thing sent to the server are mouse clicks and keystrokes, which should make cheating difficult. In the past, people have used macros or programming to flood the server with mouse / key input, which caused performance issues. I now rate limit input, so if too much is sent too quickly it is just thrown away.

OP Please answer this.

A link to the non-minified source?


I'd love to see a port of Out of this World to Javascript.

IMPRESSIVE ! did you do that ?

Out of curiosity, How much larger would this likely become if you converted this to something 3D using WebGL?

I would think it depends. If you mean to remake it all in stunning 3d HD then a lot larger. If you leave it really blocky (but 3d) then perhaps not that much...

depends on the textures mostly, also hed need to write his own (simple) 3d engine which will require lots of boilerplate. If hed use something like Three.js, that alone would be more than the size of the game currently i guess.

Why do you assume it would become larger?

He didn't. Negative numbers have been around for millenia.

Good question. How much larger/smaller would it become? I just figured doing 3D requires more code and that would end up making it larger.

How much of those 55KB is the server?

The title is somewhat misleading; looking at the javascript it appears that the client is just rendering rectangles in the end. Everything is server side. This is a really novel approach and the author has done a fantastic job!

This is amazing.

I shared this with my stepdad and his friend, and we started talking about retro-gaming and how things were in the 80's-90's with gaming.

I hope to see this hit Steam :)

Why do you need Steam for a Web game??

Well... An easy to download a client, keep a shortcut on the desktop. The user can track the amount of time invested... Achievements. (People love..achievements)... Extending the audience to a wider level. There are plenty other, however the dev said s/he is trying to push for it. So, I wish them luck. :)

"easy to download" ... please take your head out of your...steam client. steam is the most obnoxious client. it abuses your machine in several ways. in linux all games can now exploit system bugs as root. screw steam. everyone hates DRM, unless it is an app store.

Well, shortcuts can be made to web apps too. But yeah, Steam offers a bunch of other things to games like this; the ones you mentioned, but also a way to pay for the game, a community, and (probably most importantly), exposure. App store for games.

Riddled with DRM though, so I'd avoid it.

steam is like paypal for gamers. which would be good if integration was easy... but no, you are forced to depend on their fullfledged client with all the DRM and abusive tactics.

Is this open source by chance? I'd love to see an un-obfuscated version and the server side code (I'm assuming there has to be at least some?)

I have died and I keep getting "session has ended" when I try to log in. Is this expected?

Hmm. None of the keys work for me. Chrome Windows Version 31.0.1650.57 m

Amazing, reminds me of Runescape, the old days

Very impressive. Reminds Browser Quest a bit.

Wow this is amazing!

There was no key :o

It's outside the door.

It's a trap!

I entered the door someone before me unlocked, but when I went back, running from thieves on low health, I found the door closed - they had me cornered and killed me.

awesome! kickstarter maybe?

I've considered a Kickstarter, but I'm not sure exactly what I would use the money for. Perhaps some professional artwork or music. I am trying to get Aberoth Greenlit on Steam, however. You can see it at: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=930412...

You could use it to just live on. That's kind of the point of the patronage system. You need time to work, and you need food and housing during that time.

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