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Short of saying, everything, this post sums it up pretty nicely.


Note: MS primarily uses perforce and git for source control.

That talks about TFS 2010. TFS has changed and improved a lot since that time. Especially the online version.

For starters, you can now use git with TFS 2013 and Visual Studio Online (formerly TFS Online) rather than TFVC. See - http://blogs.msdn.com/b/mvpawardprogram/archive/2013/11/13/g...

Even prior to TFS2013 there was a git-TFS bridge to let you check in code outside supported platforms. I'd looked into it for an xcode project but thought it looked really awkward for something I really needed to trust.

> Note: MS primarily uses perforce and git for source control.

Heh. No.

Also, almost everything in that link is out of date or wrong.

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