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Pencil isn't designed to only work with Paper. Anyone who is interested in an SDK for Pencil should let us know what they are thinking about.

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Pencil isn't designed to only work with Paper. Anyone who is interested in an SDK for Pencil...

I can't help it, this makes me think of joke engineering documentation for everyday items.

I didn't realise it was a real product until near the end. I was thinking "Jeez guys, Penny Arcade did this joke four years ago!"


Wait, this is a real product?

I too was fooled by this line, I did a CTRL+F for iPad on the page and nothing came up so I thought it must be a joke... then I saw the apple app of the year logo and got confused...

> Pencil isn't designed to only work with Paper. Anyone who is interested in an SDK for Pencil should let us know

Tech quote of the freaking year.

Just document the protocol.

Unclench, already.

I hope Notability takes advantage of this. I'm a scientist and I use my iPad and Notability to take notes on research articles. I would love to use Pencil's features for this.

On a separate note, I can't believe the poor quality of apps available to scientists. Papers, the citation manager, can't run a release to save their lives, is expensive, and not impressive. I use it because it's better compared to the rest, but still not great software. Their iPad note taking is horrible compared to notability, so my PDFs are scattered between the two apps. It's a giant mess and waste of time I rather spend on research.

The new Mendeley iOS update is a vast improvement over their previous version. May be worth a look

I would love to see Windows Surface drivers so I could use this with Photoshop.

Surface already comes with Wacom's digitizer technology so you can get pressure sensitivity and all that good stuff. You probably just need to buy the stylus.

He may be talking about the RT models, which lack the digitizer of the Pro but still have the ability to run RT versions of apps like Sketchbook Pro

Sketchbook Pro is a desktop-only app; you are probably thinking of the metro version of Sketchbook Express.

Microsoft's own Fresh Paint app is another one that could benefit from this. One thing to note is that all of the Bluetooth styli released so far on iOS are exclusive to Apple's platform. An exception is Hex JaJa, which is cross-platform between iOS and Android, but it's not a Bluetooth stylus either - it utilises high-pitch sounds delivered via microphone.

They also lack Photoshop, though, correct?

Apparently there's an 'Express' RT version of Photoshop, might be what they're referring to?

Yes, I was simply saying it'd be nice to use this stylus on Windows with Photoshop because of its physical/aesthetic characteristics. It doesn't add much technically over the Wacom stylus, might even be slightly inferior, but it will feel different in the hand.

definitely inferior. No pressure sensitivity, which is odd because it does at least sense on/off pressure (to do palm rejection).

The obvious choice is procreate! I was a studiopaint die hard, now I only draw in my freetime (which is much better), and settled on mypaint a few years ago.

I don't own a tablet yet. But procreate, Paper, and the various stylus available are now very tempting.

I am just as happy now to watch the ipad market undertake the design market, as OS9 and NT did against IRIX. Watch us do more with more accessible consumer tech.

I wonder if the eraser could be used in more complex (if less elegant) apps such as AutoDesk Sketchbook or ProCreate to invoke a menu instead of erasing.

Wait -- you set up an entire system of metaphor, and then the most fundamentally associated of these doesn't work together? Even with the beautiful product videos to convince me of how well this skeuomorphism will complete me? I mean, not to be a naysayer, but you must have had interoperability in mind. Right?

(or is it actually truly an echo of an xkcd joke here?)

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