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Wait, what?

It's a marketing page. They took an existing product, and (assuming it works, which is a safe assumption based on their other products) made it simple and beautiful. Most successful companies do this.

You don't have to buy it. I use Paper, though, and I can't wait to get my Pencil in the mail.

Marketing is not an excuse for incorrect claims.

Artisanal, Reluctant Branding Pioneer, Dies at Age 474

He is survived by his wife, Organic, and their two small boys, Natural and Green, as well as his cousin Hipster, though the two had fallen out in the '70s and were no longer on speaking terms.



While marketing is not an excuse for incorrect claims, any text on a salespage is assumed to be copy. Copywriting by definition, is persuasive (biased) and meant to influence you to buy the product. I think this sales page is pretty good.

I don't think they lied. Like someone said below, "artisanal" is used for everything now. It's become more of a marketing term. It may not be right, but don't blame 53 for this.

> "artisanal" is used for everything now. It's become more of a marketing term.

I don't think these 2 concepts are unrelated, nor do I believe one excuses the other.

> It may not be right, but don't blame 53 for this.

I disagree. I don't care if a million other companies are doing it, if it's incorrect then it is still incorrect, whether they were the first or the thousandth.

That's like saying don't hate the player, hate the game. Fuck that. Every person who writes marketing copy like this is partially responsible for creating the sea of cognitive bullshit we all have to wade through every day. It's gross.

See also: "welcome to adjective", or "where adjective happens" slogans.

It's not hard to write honest copy with a good product. There are a mountain of accurate descriptions that work in place of 'unique, artisanal'.

> Marketing is not an excuse for incorrect claims.

You must be new to planet earth. ;-)

Just because a harmful activity is widespread, doesn't mean it's okay to do it.

> made it simple and beautiful

Which product has been simplified? Presumably not a pencil :P

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