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I agree. Much of the copy on that page is simply comical. For instance, the marketing describes the Bluetooth pairing process as "as easy as falling in love."

I don't understand how companies can publish copy that is this absurd and expect people to do anything but laugh at them.

Most marketing isn't targeted at the niche of crotchety, critical, cynical HN readers. I would guess the majority of the greater Apple demographic would hardly bat an eye at the copy.

I don't think so. "Each Pencil has a unique character that will subtly change with years of use." That's likely too much for any demographic.

I'm a software engineer with a CS degree and over 22,000 karma on HN. I actually liked that part! I like things that show wear over time for two reasons. First, it communicates how people use it. The wear patterns create some context, so the object feels familiar as soon as you see it. Second, designing a product to wear well means it can stand up to some abuse and isn't a victim of planned obsolescence.

On the other hand, "as easy as falling in love" is definitely over the top ;)

> wear well means it can stand up to some abuse and isn't a victim of planned obsolescence.

so making it out of wood, which chip easily, is designing it to wear well?

The brushed aluminium is probably better than the wood.

Hipsters love wabi-sabi.

The only person I've ever heard gush about wabi-sabi is Jack Dorsey

I actually thought that it was advertising a real pencil! It made a swell parody, although still a cool product.

I sort of thought that for a moment too. But then I realised that this was HN so they're likely actually selling some kind of technology that I'm too uncool to know about. So they're talking about "Pencil" and "Paper" not pencil and paper as I understand it. Of course with their super cool, new age design website, actually finding out what they're talking about requires watching a video or something. Simply stating what something is and how it fits with pre-existing things is far too uncool.

From what little I know about Bluetooth LE, pairing is radically simplified - there's even a "Just Works" mode for app-level communication without pairing.

It's Bluetooth - Love Edition

Well, that's fair; falling in love is not very easy.

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