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Any fans of Couchsurfing? (post-gazette.com)
8 points by joeguilmette on Oct 14, 2007 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

Couchurfing is great. I have been using it for few years already. Its completely different way to travel. Most people take you straight into their lives - take you out with their friends, show local pubs, shops, parks or concerts that other way wouldn't get int tourist route. Its more of a view into local culture and life not just visiting landmarks and talking with other travelers in hostel. Hostel are also fun. Hostels are like going to meet with other travelers. Couchsurfing is like visiting a distant friend. And you can also have both of them. Just because you stay in hostel doesn't mean that couchsurfers don't welcome you. You can still meet for a drink or party or walk around city. Its more of a network for meeting local friendly people than just crashing their couch.

I'm young, and I've been doing a bit of traveling over the last couple of years (China, Vietnam, Ireland, Califorinia and the Eastern Seaboard), and I've heard of couchsurfing from more than a couple of people that I've met, but I've yet to try it. I like the idea that people you meet online are real and hospitable, but personally, I wouldn't want to do that. I like hostels because you get to meet many young traveler types that have varying experiences and cultures, and meeting together for a meal or a soccer match with that many people from that many backgrounds is probably one of the greatest things ever. I think that maybe it would be hard to meet as many people (save pubs I suppose) if you were couchsurfing.

actually you know those people who stay in hostels and such? they host couchsurfers when they aren't travelling. a friend of mine couchsurfed through europe, and he met more people and had more fun than he ever would have otherwise. they'll bring you around town, introduce you to their friends, etc.

you should really give it a chance, especially if you are a hosteler, there's a reason everyone says to use it :)

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