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It is an interesting point. Google has become as much a substitute for the address bar as a way to find new things.

(If you don't have bookmarks or don't keep a browsing history / don't know how to use URL autocompletion).

I use autocomplete for commonly-visited sites, but Google plus vague memories of basic search terms have almost completely supplanted my use of bookmarks these days.

Web History can get you around the vagueness part. It has more that once helped me recall something along the lines of "What was that search result 3 items down from last week.."


I know quite a few people have this turned off due to some perceived "creepy" factor, but personally I cannot recommend it enough.

Especially since you can't bookmark everything, not knowing what you're going to want to refer to in the future.

Or rather you can bookmark everything, but the resulting list is nearly useless. I used to have a massive collection of bookmarks that I never referred to because it was far too large to actually use. Plus half the links had gone stale.

I'd like to suggest adopting something akin to the Dewey decimal system for your bookmarks. You don't have to create folders and subfolders but just prepend the number to the bookmark title. That way they get ordered in an alphabetic list.

In my experience, sorting by domain is usually enough.

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