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I feel like the "fuck you, I've got mine" culture of Hollywood and, thanks to the VCs, also the Valley leads this way for a lot of talented, creative people (such as OP). The problem is that no one thinks age discrimination will happen to them, and people who've realized that it can and does have been rendered irrelevant.

Also, I know that a lot of people will think that this is a shitty thing to say, but it's just the truth, so here goes. Unless you have dynastic wealth (and various generational protections against losing it, such as trust funds that skip a generation) having 8 kids is just fucking irresponsible. You're betting on 5+ of them being 150+ IQ types who can make it on their own without top schools and bought connections, and that's just not a reasonable bet no matter how good your genes may be. Sorry, but them's truth. I'm not sure I can even condone bringing one child into this fucked-up, horrible society. I certainly wouldn't even consider it if I lived in the ex-hippie-now-hypocrite fuck-you-I've-got-mine paradise of Hollywood/Silicon Valley.

This guy WAS one of the I've got mine people. He is self described as a rock star type. He made many millions of dollars. I have knows middle class families who have not only raised 8 kids, but have retired and maintain the same standard of living on LESS money than this guy made in two of his peak (one million dollar) years. Having eh 8 kids is not the irresponsible part when you have made upwards of ten million dollars in your life. That much should be crystal clear (the money was squandered).

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