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"How does one find information on climate change that isn't politically motivated?"

As for as the facts are concerned, the idea that all information on climate change is poltitically motivated is itself a lie spread by certain forces within society.

As far as policy is concerned, the role of environmental groups is to create recommendations on how to manage limited resources among multiple stakeholders who want to use them. Some of the more leftwing environmental groups believe that their job is just to protect the earth, whatever that means, but the more mainstream ones are in the business of solving tragedy-of-the-commons problems like climate change. They are probably you're best bet for sound policy advice, albeit they often on specific tactics.

edit: @EnvDefenseFund has some good tweets about what is going on today.

And unfortunately, many of those "more leftwing groups" are those that take center stage. Take Al Gore (please):

[Question:] There's a lot of debate right now over the best way to communicate about global warming and get people motivated. Do you scare people or give them hope? What's the right mix?

[Gore's Answer:] ... I believe it is appropriate to have an over-representation of factual presentations on how dangerous it is, as a predicate for opening up the audience to listen to what the solutions are, and how hopeful it is that we are going to solve this crisis.


That quote doesn't even parse grammatically.

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