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Well, no, I don't have much information to go on. It just seems like a lot if what he's doing is similar to what many others are doing here. You can get a room in SF for 6/700$, it looks like:


And there's probably no more expensive/better place to be for startups. There are places that are more expensive, but at that point, you should move to save money. And like I said, you can get by on less and still be in the bay area, if it's important to be there physically.

So I'm not judging his frugality, just saying that from what little we have to go on, it doesn't sound quite right.

Maybe we could even help him figure out how to save somewhere...

the effort to go from $2K/month to $1.5K/month is probably not worth it if you have the option of contracting yourself out; at bay area computer janitor contracting rates, (and I imagine good devs are more expensive than SysAdmins.) that's less than 8 hours of work. If you are good and have contacts, you can realistically expect twice as much; but if you are good, $500/day is reasonable to expect without expending too much marketing effort.

Being frugal is good too... but sometimes spending money makes sense, I think. Me, for example, I drive a $3,000 car, and pay $750 in rent. (I live in the south bay, my girlfriend and I split the rent on a $1500/month duplex) . Paying more isn't going to free up any time, so I don't. But I do hire someone to clean out my house once a week; It seems like a big win, as that saves me a lot of time, for a relatively small amount of money.

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