Do what you can until September, if you can't improve the business then cash in 50% of the stocks ($5k) to live on until you find another stable 9 - 5 job. Keep working on the start-up while looking for a stable job, things could improve. If you find a job before things get better then wind up the business and try something else after re-couping the money from the stocks.
That's the beuty of a small start-up, you've got room to experiment and if it doesn't go well you can cut and run without too much loss. Just don't pour everything into it unless you are in love with the idea and know your potential market loves it too.
That's the beuty of a small start-up, you've got room to experiment and if it doesn't go well you can cut and run without too much loss. Just don't pour everything into it unless you are in love with the idea and know your potential market loves it too.