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Apparently it's an overheating issue[0]. The 'red line of death' is not a sign that your PS4 is dead, but a sign that it needs to shut down to cool off.

The Amazon reviews are complaining of a blinking blue "light of death," which I don't see described in the manual you linked to. "PS4 blue light of death" returns over 2 million Google results already.

I'm no EE but I wonder if there is something really strange at play here ... like perhaps old wiring in your home.

I really don't think so.

Only two of those reviews are Verified Purchases. That looks fishy to me.

I found a few more verified but not many. The really fishy part is I clicked thru to see all of a reviewer's reviews, and of course 9 of 10 of the non verified purchases have this as their only review ever entered in the system... its mostly an astroturf campaign, and not a very well run one.

The only non-astroturf non-verified review I could find was a guy who was VERY complimentary toward a bluetooth headphone from three years ago. Every other non-verified review smells astroturf-y.

I was thinking how to run an astroturf campaign like this on amazon reviews and I figured it was too expensive, you need herds of expensive prepaid CC to order a competitors product, then you need a botnet like herd of fake accounts to create a review history, then the botnet like herd needs to order and trash talk the competitors product, it all gets very expensive. However, it turns out all you need is a throwaway email address and solve a captcha and you've got a decent PR campaign, till someone notices.

I'm not implying all the buzz is astroturfing, merely around 90% of it. There are, I'm sure, DOA machines out there, just not many.

I have no dog in the fight in that I'm not planning to buy either, at least not planning to right now.

...or maybe they never had a reason to post a review until paying hundreds of dollars for a DOA console for which the company is apparently not being very accommodating?

A verified review is when amazon confirm the person bought it from Amazon. Meaning they definitely paid for the product.


"PS4 blue light of death" returns 101 results.

If you mean searching without the quotes then that is just stupid since Google will return results that match only one of the search terms.

"PS4 blue light of death" returns 101 results.

Quite a lot for one very particular phrasing, actually.

I didn't mean to imply that there were millions of postings about the PS4 problems, just that the problem signified by a blue flashing light is apparently now pretty well-known. It's not just the Amazon posters talking about it; the issue isn't the overheating indication, it's something else.

I doubt Google is that dumb.

The estimate without quotes for "PS4 blue light of death" is 34M. For "Xbox One blue light of death" is 2.7M.

Although requesting the highest page (990) shows ~288 pages, so estimates are probably not that accurate.

Of course Google is not that dumb. If you don't put quotes in then it will return results that have any of the terms. They do this because they are an advertising company and so it is better to have lots of SRPs returned than none.

What you are doing by not using quotes is dumb.

If you search Google with a quoted string, you will receive only results with a string of those words, in the order specified.

However, if you do not quote the string, Google still searches for all non-common words, but they can be distributed variously around the document. Thus, the white space between search terms can be considered to be an 'and' construct.

the white space between search terms can be considered to be an 'and' construct

No it can't.

Google used to support + prefix on search terms to ensure they appeared on the pages in the results, but that was removed because of Google Plus. Now, to ensure that your query returns results that contain all the words searched for, you need to quote them individually.

https://www.google.com/search?q="PS4"+"blue"+"light"+"of"+"d... returns about 1.5 million results. A scan of the 10th page shows that many of them talk about other lights of death, and happen to also mention PS4 and "blue".

There is also the "allintext:" modifier. Any words after that are searched for verbatim, not even stemming (which is applied to words in quotes).

PS4 "Blue light of death" ~ 18k results.

Seriously ? Do people not understand how Google works ?

Search for PS4 "Blue light of death". Click on Page 10. You will see results about Wii U / Epic 4G blue lights of death. Google stopped requiring pages to have all search terms a long time ago now.

Seriously, not everybody will have the same results from google for the same search, don't you know about the filter bubble [1]?

Then again the number of google result never was a very good indicator even less since google search started removing search features and return only a single page of supposedly relevant results.


You want PS4+ "blue light of death"+

Which got me 4 hits, with duplicates.

"ps4" "blue light of death"

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