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I spend about half my time cranking out responsive PSD->CMS themes, and I feel the same way. I use a lot of template parts/helpers, and generally it's not a pain point to reproduce classes across a document. Except where it is and then, well, there I extend a class.

Simply having some kind of standard to work against is a big step up for me across projects. There is a great deal of semantic information involved in the in-line class names of a framework, once I learned them. Having verbose classes is maybe not quite a domain specific language, but it is a move in that direction.

Any time you've chosen to select a language for describing what is going on, you're locked into that decision. I just like having a largish dictionary that other people know, and I don't mind being a little more explicit in the markup if it lowers the number of unique or idiosyncratic words I need to develop for myself.

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