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This looks much safer than the alternatives of forceps, vacuum extraction, or C-section.

The intuitive leap from "extracting cork in wine bottle" to "extracting baby in birth canal" happening during a dream is fascinating. Neurons rearranging during sleep cause the oddness of dream logic and can find unexpected correlations -- like the link he found.

It appears to be very comparable to vacuum extraction. In fact it allows the same ~40 lbs of pulling force. (http://www.odondevice.org/device.php)

However, the device looks a lot less likely to fail (let go) than vacuum extraction, due to the firmer grasp.

Similar effects, but the force is spread over a larger area, and shouldn't swell the scalp.

On top of that, the force is spread over an area that is much more suited to withstanding that force (as opposed to the as-yet unfused parietal bones of the skull)

Additionally better friction coefficients when getting the head out - should make things somewhat easier as well.

That's important. My older son had severe jaundice due in part to the hematoma caused by use of a vacuum extractor during a difficult birth.

Looking at the picture in the Times article I'm having a hard time understanding how this doesn't hurt the infant's neck.

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