I'm not following. In what way is a McDonalds hamburger artificial? It's bread. It's meat.
Even if there are mechanically separated parts of the meat, they're still meat.
Even if it's as artificial as you say, isn't food that "looks real" and "tastes good" better than food that "looks like deplorable shit" and "tastes like deplorable shit" and is unapologetically named after something horrible from a 1970s dystopian sci fi movie?
When people think of 'hamburger', they think of ground beef. Just ground beef. And maybe some spices.
They don't think of the chemical process involved in factory processing the normally inedible bits of a cow into a slimy pink goop (see where the name came from?) and then mixing that in with their ground beef at a specific percentage to avoid getting into trouble.
Well, whatever is called "bread" in most of the US, especially things served in fast food, etc. have very distant relationship with real bread. Anybody who tried the real thing would never agree that the real thing and the spongy rubbery tasteless thing served in fast food should be even named with the same word.
Even if there are mechanically separated parts of the meat, they're still meat.
Even if it's as artificial as you say, isn't food that "looks real" and "tastes good" better than food that "looks like deplorable shit" and "tastes like deplorable shit" and is unapologetically named after something horrible from a 1970s dystopian sci fi movie?