So we should accept your "facts" with a "straight" face...? :-)
At least the V party stopped being Stalinists early -- directly when Moscow told them that Stalin was bad...
At least the Vänster party started early to harshly criticize the dictatorships in East Europe -- in 1989...
Let us talk about money and cultural exchange with dictators? Or about suppressing the information from the few surviving volunteers that went to Soviet in the 1930s? (Which did continue after 1989.)
At least V isn't changing opinions always whenever the wind changes -- not even after 1989 have they ever supported a democracy against a dictatorship!
And so on.
That is normal and "not extremist" in your definition?!
A bit earlier than 1989; the Left Party split with the Soviets in the 1960s, and became frequent critics after that. They were one of the loudest European left parties condemning the 1968 invasion of Czechoslovakia, for example.
You only had a complaint about one point of all those? :-)
It is funny when you show someone completely wrong with lots of examples -- and just get a down vote. If I have a thesis in life by now, it is that idealists lie, not only to themselves,
About your claim that V broke up with the East European dictators:
V had camps, got alcohol, money etc from those dictatorships after they "broke up". They took some principal decision in the 1980s about not having enough resources to analyze and criticize "everything everywhere"... And so on.
I lost my saved newspaper clippings from the period in a move (not much was ever written about all this in Swedish media). But you can easily add more. Like that Ohly had an anti Semite as favorite blogger (until it was pointed out to him), etc.
At least the V party stopped being Stalinists early -- directly when Moscow told them that Stalin was bad...
At least the Vänster party started early to harshly criticize the dictatorships in East Europe -- in 1989...
Let us talk about money and cultural exchange with dictators? Or about suppressing the information from the few surviving volunteers that went to Soviet in the 1930s? (Which did continue after 1989.)
At least V isn't changing opinions always whenever the wind changes -- not even after 1989 have they ever supported a democracy against a dictatorship!
And so on.
That is normal and "not extremist" in your definition?!
Thanks for a good laugh.