>År 2012 konstaterades 68 fall av dödligt våld i Sverige, vilket är en minskning jämfört med år 2011, då 81 fall konstaterades. Nivån för 2012 är den lägsta noteringen under de senaste tio åren.
>Antalet fall av dödligt våld uppvisar relativt stora upp- och nedgångar mellan olika år och har den senaste tioårsperioden fluktuerat mellan 68 och 107 fall årligen.
>I ett längre perspektiv uppvisar det dödliga våldet en nedåtgående utveckling.
Well, the only crime that has a really uncontroversial definition would be criminal homicide (certainly a small number could be misattributed to suicide, but still - a dead person is a dead person, no "made up" charges, no non-filed charges). So... according to BRÅ (Crime-prevention council, the government agency in charge of crime-related statistics in Sweden, the following can be said about homicide in Sweden:
- The number of homicides (all kinds) in Sweden 2012 was 68. That is an all time low.
- The average over the past 20 years is around 95 homicides per year (and declining)
- Adding to that is that the Swedish population has risen with 10.5% the last 20 years (8.7M to 9.6M), meaning the per-capita crime rate has dropped even more
- Especially noteworthy is the drop in homicides of children under 15
I would not say theft has an uncontroversial definition, at least not nearly as uncontroversial as homicide...