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Kotlin: A statically-typed language that compiles to JVM bytecode and JavaScript (jetbrains.org)
85 points by shawndumas on Nov 10, 2013 | hide | past | favorite | 93 comments

Probably the most promising language on the JVM in my opinion, one that stands a reasonable chance to see wider adoption than the faltering and overly complex Scala.

Kotlin feels like an incremental improvement over Java that I can wrap my head around and it comes with stellar IDE support right out of the box.

I hope they release a 1.0 soon so we can see if it gains traction, but it will be challenging, because Java certainly seems invincible right now, and probably for years to come thanks to the imminent Java 8.

I absolutely agree. I can see my future projects being written either entirely in Kotlin or in a combination of Kotlin and Clojure.

Kotlin is a very practical, well thought-out language, that was designed with the right approach re language features: if in doubt, leave it out. The result is simple, modern and powerful, with – and this one is extremely important – top notch Java integration. It is extremely easy to integrate Java and Kotlin in the same project, and easy enough to go back to Java if Kotlin doesn't catch on. Kotlin is very easy for Java developers to learn, and easy to read and understand if they haven't learned it. It feels very unobtrusive when introduced into a Java project.

>one that stands a reasonable chance to see wider adoption t

Not just compared to Scala but any other language. I actually think Kotlin is more similar to Groovy than Scala. Sure the facade is veri similar, but the philosophy and internals are very different. Also founders of Groovy and Groovy++ (statically typed) are involved in Kotlin development.

Most of Scala was created by postdoc and students. Kotlin was created by java company who want to scratch their own itch.

I especially like that Kotlin is 100% compatible with Java. I think best trick in language design is how Kotlin interacts and adds new features into legacy Java codebase. For example it introduces 'immutable collections' into existing Java Collection hierarchy without modifications.

> Most of Scala was created by postdoc and students. Kotlin was created by java company who want to scratch their own itch.

Even though the students and postdocs definitely contributed, it is still probably accurate to say most of Scala was created by Martin Odersky.

Now now, you're ruining our anti-academic passion play! Next you'll be telling the industry weenies that they learned from professors once!

Well, Martin is more like a great PL designer and coding machine (most of the core scalac is his code) who also just happens to be a professor in his spare time (when he isn't working on Scala).

I did not meant it in a negative way, just to illustrate differences in language. Kotlin is an industrial language designed to interact with and enhance large java code-bases.

Scala is more like ecosystem on its own.

It is what I have been waiting for for years: A C# for the JVM, i.e. a very expressive language with a well thought out type system that allows using some functional idioms.

Saying that scala is complex is like saying lisp is complex just because you cant read it.

Scala has very little syntactic rules. Of course if you dont take the time to learn them , you are not going to understand the language.

No it isn't. Scala has three complete type systems: an OO, inheritance based type system, a Haskell-like algebraic type system (sealed traits and case classes), and a duck-typed type system (structural types). Each of these type systems has been enough to write good, complex software on its own (in different languages, of course). Scala's got all three, plus macros. Scala is a superset of Java, Haskell, JavaScript and Lisp; such a language is not simple. A language where it takes an expert to understand how the standard library's linked list is implemented is not simple (even the language creators say that understanding, let alone implementing, Scala collection classes is reserved for experts). You may well understand parts of it, most of it or even all of it given enough time, but it is definitely not simple.

EDIT: Scala does have an incredible compiler, though, and it is interesting from a PL research POV (which is to be expected, given its origins). The JVM community will forever be indebted to Scala. But it is not a language that many will feel comfortable using, and most of those that do, use a subset of it (which is basically Kotlin), and ignore the fact that they can't understand how the linked list is implemented. Kotlin takes a lot of inspiration from Scala, obviously, and learns from its mistakes. It takes that subset of Scala that gives people 99.9% of what they want and need with only 10% of the complexity.

You ran with this "three complete type systems" line in the last thread, and it's still totally wrong.

ADTs/pattern matching are not "a complete type system". Structural types are not "a complete type system". Scala unifies the different concepts by expressing them through Java-style classes and inheritance.

Even if they were incompatible non-orthogonal type systems sitting side by side (they aren't), it is immensely useful to have both dynamic dispatch and ADTs/pattern matching in the toolset; they are often useful for different problems.

> ADTs/pattern matching are not "a complete type system". Structural types are not "a complete type system"

Why not? Can you not write any program using either? Haskell uses just the former, and JS the latter (though without type safety).

> Scala unifies the different concepts by expressing them through Java-style classes and inheritance.

I think it "unifies" them only in the sense that the (single) compiler can compile all three. But case classes cannot be part of an inheritance hierarchy nor structural types (or inheritance types) be used as ADTs. The three certainly intersect, but they're not really unified.

> It is immensely useful to have both dynamic dispatch and ADTs/pattern matching in the toolset; they are often useful for different problems.

Obviously, and that is why some languages employ the one or the other. The question is, how useful is it (from a cost/benefit perspective) to have all three (plus macros!) in the same language? After all, while each has its benefits sometimes, they also overlap a lot, as most programs are about as easily implemented in all three. As I've said elsewhere, in language design, as in most things, one must choose. A pizza, a steak and ice-cream all have their place, but may lose much of their flavor if mixed into the same dish. In the JVM ecosystem we are lucky enough to have easy interoperability between languages. The JVM is a restaurant with a varied menu, and you can have a meal of several courses. The best way to go, IMO, is to pick one simple language you're comfortable with and use it for most tasks, and for those tasks that require specialized skills outside your chosen language's strengths – use another.

> Can you not write any program using either?

While you can make do with either, they have complementary strengths and weaknesses, which are useful in different situations. See "Expression Problem", and "Visitor Pattern".

> Why not?

"Single Dispatch Polymorphism" is a language feature. ADTs/pattern matching are a language feature. Subtyping is a type-system feature. "Structural Typing" is a type-system feature. Guaranteeing exhaustive pattern matching is a type-system feature. They are not "type systems", and different languages pick them and combine them a la carte.

> But case classes cannot be part of an inheritance hierarchy nor structural types (or inheritance types) be used as ADTs

Yes they can, and they do. You just can't extend case classes from other case classes. You can use any class as an ADT-like structure if you want, leaving the hierarchy open or closed, and defining pattern matching extractors as you please. It's all part of the same system; whether you call it an "ADT" or a "class hierarchy" is a design pattern thing more than a rigid systemic property.

> Obviously, and that is why some languages employ the one or the other

Er... that doesn't follow. What I said is that it's very useful having both together. If you don't think that's valuable, that's fine; Scala's not for you.

Can you write any program with only case classes and sealed traits? Yes; Haskell does it. Can you write any program with just structural types? Yes, JS does it. Can you write any program with just inheritance types? Yes, Java, C++ and C# do it. Ergo, Scala has three type systems, and it doesn't matter whether you make them appear as one.

> It's all part of the same system; whether you call it an "ADT" or a "class hierarchy" is a design pattern thing more than a rigid systemic property.

Obviously it's part of the same system, which just happens to be a superset of three type systems. A type system is not how its implemented but what it does.

You can write any program with a Turing machine. That's a silly definition of a type system. I've never heard this usage anywhere else.

> You ran with this "three complete type systems" line in the last thread,

Verbatim even.. a copy paste :p

Better: I have a script that reposts previous comments where relevant.

Ah, intelligent spam.

I like that you can even explain why it is complex. I was just able to give an example, that is explained by your argument (a type system for a purely functional language as opposed to a mix of everything).

Scala's standard library linked list is complex, sure. But it's also considerably more powerful than any equally safe implementation in any language, and considerably safer than any equally powerful implementation. If anything the fact that such complex libraries are written in it is evidence of scala's simplicity - if the language itself were complex, it would consume too much of one's attention for it to be possible to write such complex libraries.

But this is exactly why Scala's designers have their priorities wrong. This safety comes at a price (complexity), right? So, first, they should have asked themselves whether this safety is worth the price. Second, Scala is inherently an unsafe language (unlike Haskell) because it freely allows casts, and doesn't even make them difficult. So then the question is should you pay the cost of complexity in exchange for safety in a language that doesn't really provide safety? I think that the only case where a language designer would answer this question in the affirmative is if they cared more about PL research and compiler technology than about programmers.

Casts are fine as long as you are explicit about them - Scala is about giving the programmer control and visibility over what they're doing, not satisfying some academic notion of purity. My experience is that Scala makes exactly the right tradeoff - in practice, Scala code is substantially less buggy than most other languages (equivalent to Haskell, I'd say), while the complexity of map's implementation doesn't get in the way unless you need it (things that are easy with Haskell's map are still easy with Scala's map, things that are hard but possible with Haskell's map are still hard but possible with Scala's map, and some things that are impossible with Haskell's map are hard but possible with Scala's map).

I understand that some would agree with you. After all, there are some people who like Scala and not just for its "Kotlin subset". But can you understand why many organizations would think this is the wrong tradeoff? I, for one, do not like using stuff I don't understand, and I am unwilling to put in the time to understand Scala's types, especially because it's so easy to do without them. If I need Haskell-level type safety for some subset of a project, I would use Frege or another Haskell implementation for the JVM that is certain to come along. For the rest, I'm perfectly happy with Kotlin-level type safety, and for those portions of the project (over 98% for sure) I don't have to put up with a class library I don't understand.

> I am unwilling to put in the time to understand Scala's types, especially because it's so easy to do without them. If I need Haskell-level type safety for some subset of a project, I would use Frege or another Haskell implementation for the JVM that is certain to come along.

Learning Scala's type system takes time, yes; it quite possibly takes longer to learn Scala than most languages. But it's still going to be less effort than learning two different languages.

I think that most organizations are already using a lot of code that they don't understand. The JVM itself is many thousands of lines of not especially clear code; I suspect very few java-based organizations really understand it (and I've hit bugs in the JVM in real life, so it's not that there's no need to understand it). Likewise large, popular Java libraries like Spring and Hibernate (particularly given that they do bytecode manipulation, so you can't always even assume that the normal rules of the language apply).

I think standard library implementations are rarely read in any language, so the complexity of the standard library implementation in scala isn't a concern. I think the interfaces are important, and if users are unable to understand the method signatures then that's a problem. But documenting what a method does is often seen as adequate (e.g. in Python or Ruby the documentation is the only interface signature you get), so I don't see a fundamental problem with the "simplified signature in the documentation" approach (though it would be better to have some way of automatedly ensuring these were correct).

(The only alternative would be to give up the power entirely, or to have two distinct collection libraries; neither of those seems like a good answer. If you don't see having Haskell-level language power as an advantage, then yes the complex library interface is not worth it and you'd be better with a less powerful language. But if you see value in writing parts of your system in something like Haskell, I think it's a big win to be able to use the same language for the haskell-like parts and the kotlin-like parts, and learning a complex library is less overhead than learning a second language).

> I think it's a big win to be able to use the same language for the haskell-like parts and the kotlin-like parts, and learning a complex library is less overhead than learning a second language.

I think not, and here's why: we're talking about large organizations here, right? Because if you're a single developer or a small team, then anything from assembly to VisualBasic goes and it all pretty much boils down to personal preference. But in a large team (say 50 people and up), only one or two would need to master the "Haskell part" (assuming there was a real need for one), and the rest would use Kotlin. So there is no overhead in learning two languages. The developers would learn one simple language that they can understand, and the single star developer (there is usually one in any team) could probably master five different languages if the need arises. Throwing everything in a single powerful-yet-very-complex does not fit with how complex software is actually developed. This is one of the reasons many huge organizations abandoned C++ and flocked to Java pretty much on the day it was released (I'm exaggerating, but in a software-timeframe terms that's pretty much what happened).

So you're unwilling to use a library you don't understand the internals of, but you wouldn't mind if part of your project was written in an entire language you didn't know?

The worst company I worked for was the one where the dev team was split into three - the frontend guys working in PHP, the backend guys doing mapreduce stuff, and the middle team in Java. No-one understood what the others were doing, so there was no sense of the overall product, and bugs or features would get thrown over the wall to another team and then come back weeks later, by which time everyone had forgotten about them.

My last job worked in Scala, and had what was essentially a transactional framework using monads. I reckon at most three of the developers there actually understood the transaction library, and probably only two would actually have added new features to it. But everyone was able to write code that used it, and being able to see the code in the repository and their IDE, at least some of the other developers were able to pick it up gradually, from the outside in, learning more and more, starting to fix bugs that were similar to problems they'd seem elsewhere, and eventually reaching a full understanding. If that code had been written in a different language I think they would never have taken the first step.

> So you're unwilling to use a library you don't understand the internals of, but you wouldn't mind if part of your project was written in an entire language you didn't know?

Of course (as long as those responsible for maintaining that portion understand their libraries)! Since we agree that some parts of the code are specialized and reserved for experts anyway, what difference does it make if it's written in a different language?

This is not like your story at all about PHP, Java and mapreduce. In my scenario, everyone is using the same language except for the "expert portion", which comprises maybe 2% of the code. I think it is far better than having everyone use a complex language which they don't fully understand, just so that the experts working on that 2% will be nominally using the same language (I say nominally, because in the Scala case it would hardly be the same language – only the same compiler). I don't want to pay the complexity price for everyone for the power needed only for the 2%.

This reminds me of one of my favourite Stackoverflow threads, where Odersky himself explains in just a few paragraphs why the signature of the map function in Scala is not overly complicated: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1722726/is-the-scala-2-8-... I am not joking when I say that they have actually introduced "simplified signatures" into the API docs after this :)

So yeah, if it takes several paragraphs to explain why something that can be as straightforward as this (Haskell)

(a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]

is actually not that complicated when it looks like this

def map[B, That](f: (A) ⇒ B)(implicit bf: CanBuildFrom[List[A], B, That]): That

it is clearly the stupid infidels that don't get it. This doesn't mean that Scala is a bad language in general, just that it is ridiculous to state that it isn't complex, especially compared to Lisp.

As Martin points out in his response, the Scala version of map isn't restricted to returning a list so (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b] isn't directly comparable. To make a similar version in Haskell you'd have to use a language extension (MultiParamTypeClasses?) and the type signature would be significantly more complex.

It's debatable whether the complexity of the API is worth the additional functionality, but the basic version of map (Data.List.map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]) is utterly trivial in either language.

> To make a similar version in Haskell you'd have to use a language extension (MultiParamTypeClasses?) and the type signature would be significantly more complex.

Eh? No language extensions necessary.

    fmap :: Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
Perhaps I'm missing something though...

That can only be used with a fixed functor f; the scala version can send an (a -> b) to a (f a -> that), for any [a, b, that] combination for which a CanBuildFrom is available (this is basically a more generalized typeclass).

> Scala has very little syntactic rules

There are a lot of counter examples to this claim but just to keep this short, I'll go along with your claim.

A downside of this is heavy overload of keywords/symbols. For example, last time I checked, the underscore (_) has six different meanings depending on where it's used.

The number of syntactic rules is not a good way to judge whether a language is difficult to read, otherwise, Brainfuck would be the most readable language on the planet.

> the underscore (_) has six different meanings depending on where it's used.

no it has not ,it always express some kind of default behavior. just like ! in ruby method means mutation or ? means it returns a boolean.

> The number of syntactic rules is not a good way to judge whether a language is difficult to read, otherwise, Brainfuck would be the most readable language on the planet.

But we are not talking about Brainfuck.

> > the underscore (_) has six different meanings depending on where it's used.

> no it has not ,it always express some kind of default parameter.

You might want to refrain from commenting on a topic you don't seem to know much about.

I was wrong when I said "six", it looks like the number is up to eleven today. Here is a short list:

- Existential types

- Higher kinded type parameters

- Ignored variables

- Ignored parameters

- Wildcard patterns

- Wildcard imports

- Hiding imports

- Joining letters to punctuation

- Assignment operators

- Placeholder syntax

- Partially applied functions

More details: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8000903/what-are-all-the-...

> You might want to refrain from commenting on a topic you don't seem to know much about.

the underscore is not an operator.that's why you are listing random stuffs that are not related. It express an intent, see my previous message.

You might want to stop patronizing people you dont know. Or your head is too big for that.

> it express an intent, see my previous message.

Actually, it can express eleven intents, depending on where it's being used.

! in ruby means "dangerous", which is actually poorly defined. In some major libraries it is used to mean exception raising, in some it means self-mutation.

  The bang (!) does not mean "destructive" nor lack of it mean non
  destructive either.  The bang sign means "the bang version is more
  dangerous than its non bang counterpart; handle with care". Since
  Ruby has a lot of "destructive" methods, if bang signs follow your
  opinion, every Ruby program would be full of bangs, thus ugly.

Are you the same guy as ramkahen on reddit?

_ has only one meaning => "unspecified"


> Scala has very little syntactic rules.

Are you sure this is true? Compared to what?

The SLS is approximately 1/3 the length of the JLS

Without any kind of support for algebraic datatypes or case classes it isn't viable replacement for Scala.

Lack of support for algebraic data types sunk my last project said no one ever.

Then apparently you've never used them properly. Just this last week I was converting some our legacy Java visitors over to case classes and wound up with 2-4x reductions in code size. That's nothing to scoff at.

I should perhaps also say that I don't deny Scala could use some simplification, but there are plenty of tangible benefits to algebraic datatypes and they don't require knowing anything about fancy types (unless you want GADTs) or complex implicit conversions.

Lack of memory safety never sank any project - C Programmer

The reply of the year!!!!

I'm pretty sure npe's - the hallmark of languages without adt's have done a great deal of damage - Hoares billion dollar mistake.

I've heard that from a few people, but nobody is willing to stick their neck on the line and actually try it for a project.

And is Kara better than (for example) Grails? Are we going to be stuck writing Spring MVC?

Maybe it doesn't count, but at JetBrains we're using it both internally and in a successful product such as WebStorm and IntelliJ. LiveEdit is in fact written in Kotlin.

Also, I've written Wasabi (Sinatra/Express like framework) and am using it on a project.


I also know of quite a few people using it already.

I'm going to use Kotlin in a project as soon as it reaches 1.0.

How is Scala faltering?

> [...] the faltering and overly complex Scala

I use it everyday for work, and it's an excellent language. I think it "falters" because it's more ambitious than anything else. Kotlin doesn't look as ambitious so far. I'd rather stick with Scala and see them keep improving. There are some promising ideas in the pipeline for future simplification without loss of power: http://www.infoq.com/presentations/data-types-issues

If that's the one I think it is it, the proposal would make type-level programming much harder to debug than it currently is (because it becomes impossible to specify the types of type-level functions).

I don't know what you mean here. I'd be curious to see an example.

Isn't it proposing to eliminate existential types that can't be expressed as wildcard types? Or is this something different?

This has null-safety. As in, you can't assign null to a variable without explicitly qualifying that variable as "nullable". Glad to see this.

But it's yet another language with strings-are-a-list-of-code-units. I've mentioned it before, but I'd like more languages to follow Haskell/Python's suite of "String are a list of code points", at the very least. (Those as others have point out, while dealing with code points is less error prone than code units, you probably want something even higher level.)

Integers are still range-limited. For some things this is okay, for some things it'd be nice to not worry about what happens when you get near 4B. Python solved this nicely. (There's a place for range-limited ints, and you can always have a ranged_int<0, 65565> type, or something. But by default, I don't want to think about overflow!)

Generics appear to be C#/Java like (i.e., limited, not full meta-programming).

Some things that run when targets to the JVM don't in JS. `for(c in "a string")` didn't compile for JS, nor did `1000000000000000 or 0`. (To be sure, this isn't exactly easy.)

(Last, the issue tracker infinite-redirects, likely because it doesn't handle a browser rejecting cookies.)

Could you take a crack at explaining code-unit vs code-point? I'd never heard of them, and they sort of looked like the same thing on Wikipedia.

A code unit is the minimal bit length for a character in a particular encoding, so in UTF16 that's 16 bits and in UTF8 it's 8 bits.

A code point is a character, that may be encoded by a single code unit or may require multiple code units.

Mostly Java handles strings as 16bit code units, code point functions were only introduced at 1.5.

So, a dumb question, If a code unit is the minimal bit length for encoding a character: why would you need more than one to encode a character?

Is this just a way of saying "variable bit length character encoding?"

If your character encoding is fixed-bit-length then a code point and a code unit are the same thing yes. If your character encoding is variable-bit-length then a code point is a "character" and a code unit is the thing that a character may be 1 or more of (i.e. a byte in utf8, or a 2-byte thingummy in utf16).

The point is that it's better to treat strings as sequences of unicode codepoints ("characters") than treat them as sequences of 16-bit utf16 units like Java does.

Does anyone know how Kotlin bridges the differences between the JVM and JS?

For example, the demo video that prints an ArrayList of Integers raises more questions than it answers, given that JavaScript doesn't have Integers or ArrayLists and has different built-in stringification (which is always idiosyncratic from language to language). Can I write portable code that uses arrays?

Some quick poking around indicates that Kotlin is pretty JVM-centric for someone who works in the web world. (I used to write a lot of Java and Scala and even wrote a mini JVM once, but these days JavaScript is my go-to platform.) There's good old byte/short/int/long and there's boxing of primitives. They don't even bother to mention that arrays have immutable size (like Java and unlike JS), presumably because they assume it's obvious.

Inexplicably, the English words "and" and "or" are used for bitwise operations while && and || are unchanged. Hate to criticize but it all just seems rather strange.

The demo (I'm the author of the video) is showing JVM, not JavaScript target.

For JavaScript, check out:


Great, I have an expert here! So how does Kotlin bridge the differences between Java and JS? Can I write portable code that manipulates arrays? Does Kotlin use JavaScript's number semantics when it targets JavaScript, or does it emulate Java's?

I'm starting to suspect Kotlin is a unified syntax but doesn't actually have any unified semantics, or considers all heap objects to be "foreign" and owned by either Java or JS.

I was expecting to hear one of a few reasonable approaches to making code portable across Java and JS. For example, Kotlin has its own concept of an array which happens be backed by an ArrayList in Java land. Or, classes like ArrayList are emulated in JS by a runtime library.

First thanks for your excellent products. JetBrains rocks and i bought 2 ides from your business.

Now my question :

Why didnt you chose an existing language like Dart for instance?which would have been closer to java and still compile down to javascript. I think dart on the jvm would be a great idea.

Thank you.

Regarding Dart, AFAIK, we started working on Kotlin before Dart and Kotlin was first focused exclusively to target the JVM. The JavaScript came afterwards.

If I'm not mistaken, Kotlin predates Dart...

I am honestly a little tired of one more language that is statically typed and compiles in js. It really has to bring something huge for me to consider it, even from name like JetBrains.

I am pretty tired of statically typed direct-to-JS languages which are wildly unsound. I use TypeScript at work, and I grant it's hugely safer than JavaScript and has saved us from dozens of defects even in the two weeks since I introduced it, but its type system is pretty broken.

A DSL written in a dependently-typed language (such as Idris) would suffice for both the kind of safety and the level of expressivity I require. (Unfortunately, the various JS backends for Haskell, Idris, Agda, etc. are not usable for my purpose, since I need the output to be readable and debuggable).

Anything less than what I have proposed in the previous paragraph is pretty uninteresting to me. It's unfortunate that people are working so hard on Kotlin, when it cannot contribute anything new or interesting, by its very nature.

Have you looked at Haxe (http://haxe.org/)? It's supposed to have a decent type system, although I can't say how it compares to TypeScript's since I've used neither of them.

If you need a stronger type system, and you're already using TypeScript, take a look at FunScript (http://funscript.info/); it uses the meta-programming features of F# to do strongly-typed JS (and TypeScript) code generation and interop with existing code.

Thanks for the links! FunScript looks really neat.

> but its type system is pretty broken.

In order to have a type system that is compatible with javascript , there are things you just cant do. I think Microsoft TS team did an acceptable compromise. TS is not perfect , but the fact that one can still use pure JS in typescript is a huge plus.

Really, that's quite the problem: the desire for at least one-way compatibility.

> but its type system is pretty broken

Can you explain this? Thanks!

It's unfortunate that people are working so hard on Kotlin, when it cannot contribute anything new or interesting, by its very nature.

Maybe you can think outside of yourself for once and consider that your uses cases or personal preferences aren't what the Kotlin devs consider important.

Yes, my very point is that it is unfortunate that my use cases and personal preferences are not what Kotlin devs consider important. This is not a matter of “Waaaa, they don’t consider me the center of the Universe as I do!”; it's simply the case that my “personal” preferences correspond with reality and safety more closely than do theirs.

A priori, it would be better if they conformed to my expectations; anything less than awareness and deference to the last 40 years in PL research is uninteresting and unhelpful.

it's simply the case that my “personal” preferences correspond with reality and safety more closely than do theirs.

A priori, it would be better if they conformed to my expectations; anything less than awareness and deference to the last 40 years in PL research is uninteresting and unhelpful.

Amazing. Are you a solipsist or just incapable of perceiving outside of your little bubble? Do you even understand what the Kotlin devs are trying to accomplish? Hint, they're not trying to develop the next dependent type theory implementation on the JVM. They're implementing a language so that Java developers can be a bit more productive than they are now.

Clearly I am a solipsist, my dear fellow. Case closed.

Kotlin targets the JVM and JS. Emphasis on targeting both, not just one.

Targeting to JS allows for certain scenarios, such as those I recently wrote about: http://blog.jetbrains.com/kotlin/2013/10/writing-kotlin-in-t...

It has the few things that I believe will make my life a lot easier.

1) compiles to jvm and javascript 2) handles null better than java/javascript 3) good tooling

I don't know of many other languages that hit this mark.

Another day, another new programming language that compiles to [popular language]. I'm sorry, I may be looking at this from the wrong perspective, but in my opinion, they're starting to lose their value. Sure, accessing a hard language (like C, or Python (for me, I find Python difficult at times) by writing your own dialect or higher-level language can be fun and maybe can make your workflow better, for me it doesn't.

Actually, I view these higher-level languages as the program that ships with a Raspbery Pi (don't know what it's called, sorry), which uses a drag and drop interface to create loops and create a game. You'll learn the basics of programming, but having a company where everyone speaks their own higher-level language won't really work. You're especially fked if you've got a developer that has to read the generated code, in a lot of cases.

Please correct me if I'm wrong, I'm still genuinely interested in the purpose of such languages!

I think Scratch[1] is the name of the programming language that you're referring to, that comes with the Raspberry Pi.

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scratch_%28programming_languag...

Not exactly sure what you're saying here.

English is not my native language and I'm kinda busy, so it's pretty hard for me to explain myself, sorry.

I'm saying that languages like these (if I understand correctly), when compiled, result in a program generated by said language, "written" in another language, like Javascript, Java, Python or something.

Personally, I see no value in doing so. It creates a bit of an "overhead" (you compile it twice), and you actually don't really see what happens in the layer below the layer you're working in: the JS/Java/Python layer.

Say you've been working in the language FooBar, which creates, say, Javascript. Now most examples of code generators I've seen don't really care about the readability of the code they output. They have a readable, human-created bootstrap.js loading the default handler, and a bunch of semi-obfuscated .js floating around.

Usually, this doesn't matter. However, I see a lot of these languages appear on HN lately. The problem I'm starting to see is that, when we've got 10,000 alternatives to FooBar, people all start using different FooBar-like languages, and it becomes a mess. If you, for example, like to write in BarFoo, then we have a problem. We both understand JS, but the generated code is a mess. What do?

Then again I could be wrong. :P

Kotlin compiles down to JVM Bytecode, which will could be considered another language, is what's required to run on the JVM. That's the JVM Target.

Now, from the JavaScript target, yes, it compiles down to JavaScript, but it does so in a way that it not only provides sourcemaps to be able to debug, but also be consumed from JavaScript via Common JS modules for instance, thus allowing you to interact from JavaScript with the code you've written in Kotlin. Think for instance replication of some business logic on both client and server which is quite common.

Finally, in regard to writing Kotlin versus JavaScript, well Kotlin has it's advantages if you prefer static typing and want some of the benefits that language provides. If you're comfortable with JavaScript, if you prefer dynamic languages, then there's little reason to use Kotlin to compile to JavaScript (except the previous scenario of sharing code).

I am happy to see that there's some example code on the home page.

I started using Kotlin on the weekend and I have been pretty happy with it. The only issues I have with it so far is that I would like to use a package name with more than two identifiers (eg. com.android.scripting, instead of just com.android), and there isn't a succinct way of declaring multidimensional arrays. I resort to doing something like

        val arr: Array<Array<Tile>> = Array<Array<Tile>>(height, { x ->
            Array<Tile>(width, { y -> Tile(x, y, Terrain.GRASS) })
Now I'm looking at writing my array in Java instead and making good use of Kotlin's interoperability with Java. :)

Most of the time you can omit type arguments:

        val arr = Array(height) { x -> Array(width) { y -> Tile(x, y, Terrain.GRASS) } }

I like to know whether this language support these stuffs.

- C++ level of const correctness or a simple way to make immutable data structure. Or immutable view of full data structure.

- Explicit symmetric coroutine with safe data sharing machinery. I mean something like Erlang process or Goroutine.

- Any meta-programming facility such as macro or template.

1. Yes 2. No 3. A bit. Not macros or templates but nonetheless you can do some type of meta programming with reflection.

Do you plan to add macros or some other kind of compile-time metaprogramming? I think it's important to have that, since reflection is at odds with obfuscation and also introduces runtime overhead compared to compile-time code generation.

Many ideas of this sort are flying around, but we postpone the decision to some time after 1.0

Is this JetBrains' answer to Eclipse's Xtend (http://www.eclipse.org/xtend/)?

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