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> What do you expect to happen?

At one extreme, nothing. At the other, a potentially horrible electrocution. Run a google image search for something like "serious car accident" and insert an equally mangled battery pack in there. I very much doubt Tesla or any other electric car manufacturer would even remotely consider issuing a blanket guarantee stating that their design is electrocution-proof under all conditions.

Not trying to be a troll. Simply saying that high voltage systems are extremely dangerous. That's it. No need to agree with me. Just remember I said it.

It would be nuts if the interconnects have higher survivability than the firewalls. Mangling the battery will almost certainly significantly reduce the voltage (I didn't quickly find anything on the Model S, but for the Roadster, the output voltage is achieved with a final series arrangement of sub-assemblies, breaking that should directly reduce voltage).

Of course it will still create dangerous situations and experience will be valuable in judging just how dangerous.

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