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Might want to capitalize that warning, and add nsfw. I'm very happy one of my kids was not looking over my shoulder. I guess I'm with the late Mr Jobs on this one --thinking this is not necessarily advancing the internet or making the world a better place.

Even if you clicked on the link, it's a completely innocuous page. It explains what it does, but it doesn't use any foul language doing that.

What's the risk of having one of your kids looking over your shoulder?

I tend to not exercise any caution clicking links on hacker news, and since time is "the" essence, really; I use a click and "see for myself if this is interesting" approach, since there's more noise here these days. well I clicked and clicked again on one of the words under the search box. I'm sitting in the middle of the kitchen where my 4-7 yrs old children are roaming around. I often show them computer stuff on here so it would have been completely normal for them to be looking in on this browsing session. I was in for a world of shock; backed up real quick and understood what nws meant. I had seen the nsfw tag before but not nws. Thanks for the downvotes tho.

Mr Jobs opposed a product that was invented after his death?

I think it was a sore point for a lot of people, and a question mark for me why Apple and mr Jobs was imposing a sort of censorship on iOS apps with regards to explicit content. Well I got real world case of how something useful to some can be damageable to kids on a platform where this is totally unexpected: HN.

Ask yourself: what would Jobs do?

Often did that as a younger entrepreneur. Paid off, thank you. He undeniably had the sharpest eye of his generation to find the angle that work with the market.

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