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A gasoline car with low clearance would NOT have the same problems.

The fuel tank is located higher up near the rear axle. Not alongside the bottom of the car as in a Tesla.

Yes this has been standard design for a good while now. The fuel tank is typically above the rear axle and between the rear seat and the trunk. I don't think there's been a car with the fuel tank right over the road and right behind the rear bumper since the 1970's. The Pinto in particular taught us that was a bad design.

The rear fuel tank low down behind the rear axle is still in some currently produced cars, I'm afraid. http://www.autosafetyexpert.com/defect_fueltank.php

Note: either the battery didn't catch fire in the said tesla (see picture), either the battery is extremely well isolated and the fire exhaust point was in the front of the car.

Note2: how do you think the fuel goes from the fuel tank <REAR> to the <FRONT> motor.

Thats how: http://i.stack.imgur.com/87oFf.png

Oh, theres a tube in there between the REAR fuel tank and the FRONT engine. Damn, didn't break laws of physics.

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