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Flagged off the front page? The day news of the 3rd fire broke there were two stories that made it to the front page and between them both covered pretty much the entire working day.

This was noted two days ago: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=6692051

This is a general trend though: Tesla's overreach regarding the NHTSA rating was on the front page for more than a day, whereas NHTSA's statement regarding Tesla's misinterpretation was not even on the front page for a few hours.

Also>Yesterday (21 points, flagged < 1 hr)


And before that... (26 points, flagged < 1hr)


Last press release: (567 points, #1 front page)


That seems to be more the result of the overzealous flame-war detector rather than the effect of flagging. Only PG can truly tell, though.

The flamewar detector brings the story down if it has a lot of comments, and if not paired with lot of upvotes, takes it quickly off the front page. So, while you're right about the HN bias(lack of upvotes), you're wrong about the reason(flamewar detector rather than flagging).

It also tends to happen to Gruber articles, articles positive or neutral about Microsoft, and anti-Samsung or anti-Google articles.

Here's a couple of examples.


HEADLINE: Tesla Fire Sets off Flamewar.

MOUNTAIN VIEW, CA. HN headquarters was forced to shut down earlier today when a Tesla Model S (discussion) spontaneously caught fire. Responding the the event, the mountain view polic chief was on the scene within minutes. According to source, PG tried to put out the fire using water (in line with TSLA protocol), but the stubborn flames kept re-igniting. Finally, he had to revert to "flipping the server over" and drilling a hole in the bottom to finally douse the flames. No injuries were reported in the incident, and PG will be writing an essay later this week on the subejct. Extolling the cirtues of the Flamewar detector, as well as the excellent design of the electronically powered server at the heart of the matter.

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