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That's the way debian works, to make sure changes are thoroughly tested. It probably doesn't work for gnome 3, as it gets gradually more usable over the years.

Speaking of gnome in debian, I have managed to make gnome 3 tolerable with a couple of changes, one to disable the global mac-style menu, and an extension to completely hide the top and bottom bars, called "Panel Settings".

One thing I quite like is the speed at which I can launch apps with gnome 3 and an ssd, with the first few letters of an apps name.

Although I have just noticed my gedit preferences menu item has disappeared, because the gnome menu that comes up next to 'activities' isn't visible when I hide the panel... Maybe it is time to check out xcfe again, or more likely, tweak my gnome config further to disable that menu placement as well. I'm attached to gnome, I think, because it does things like powering down external drives via the "file manager", (whatever thats called now), which xcfe didn't do when I tried it last year.

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