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It is not like gnome is adding any new functionality on the latest ones.

I need a rather unusual setup for work. I use focus-follow-mouse. But clicks do not raise windows unless i'm also holding the move window modifier (flag key).

I was unable to do that simple setting with gnome3 for years and always reverted back to XFCE or gnome2.

But now, since a couple months ago, with the effort from the community redoing their work via the extension gnome site, i can finally have that setup on gnome 3. even on the "old" versions that debian uses (i run untainted debian7). So i completely fail to see your point. Even more so as latest gnomes broke some extensions, screwing the community over yet again. Had debian be on the bleeding edge i'd probably be waiting for some extensions to be ported yet again.

gnome is a project that teaches that upgrading blindly is dumb.

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