It doesn't interpolate between speed very effectively. So when I transition between a fast stroke and a slow stroke, there's this strange bump when the stroke changes width.
I'd suggest...
"Variable width signatures (this is implemented very
crudely, and I didn't discuss it in this post. The first
signature pad in the post uses it though)"
never mind ,I think you and I are on the same page.
the square blog post I referenced implements this better. they save tuples of (timestamp, location) and can therefore determine velocity (more or less).
I used a really ghetto distance metric as a proxy for velocity and since the sampling rate varies on everyone's local machines it can produce really ugly signatures.
close inspection of the implementation will not bode well for anyone's opinion of my programming abilities.
my excuse is that this is a tiny bit of UI candy on top of my core business. if i were to spend much more time on it, I'd change a lot of things about it.
I'd suggest...
never mind ,I think you and I are on the same page.Looks fantastic.