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If the US government does not scale back on what it's doing and continues its rhetoric of "tu quoque" to justify its actions, it would be awesome to see the rest of the World respond by establishing a NSAO, National Security Agency Observatory, who accepts employees from every country but the United States and whose sole task is to infiltrate and publish every US secret for everyone else to know.

They could go farther than just the NSA and extend it to every single employee of the US government and its contractors. Those in the US government pushing for this level of surveillance are never going to scale back until they know exactly what if feels like to be subjected to the same level of surveillance. At the very least extend it as far as every US senator and representative that is pro-surveillance. i.e. if your voting record shows that have voted on bills extending the surveillance state, then you automatically become a target to have everything you and your administration has every said and written captured and published for the rest of the World to read in real time.

There is no better way to counteract this than Mutually Assured Transparency. i.e establish a policy of "If you won't allow us to have privacy and secrets, we won't allow you to have them either." At the end of the day, the NSA is never going away without drastic measures that make it's existence a liability for the US instead of an asset.

The worst thing the rest of the World can do is take the NSA and the current administration at its word. For example, it recently said that it has stopped tapping Angela Merkel's phone calls and communication, but what proof do we have that it has actually stopped. There is no way to prove that it is no longer happening and the people who say that they've stopped have lied for years on this very topic and still deep down believe what they did was valid, so we really have zero justification for trusting that the surveillance has actually stopped. Even if they did stop, we can reasonably assume that they only did so to the letter but not intent. e.g., how do we know that they aren't still keeping tabs on her by tapping everyone about her, but her. You can still assume a lot about a leader by knowing everything her subordinates are saying and doing.

If you are a citizen of one of the country's that have been victim of this spying you should suggest this idea to those representatives of yours that are likely to support a plan like this.

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