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The Devil's Dictionary of Programming (programmingisterrible.com)
113 points by AndrewDucker on Nov 2, 2013 | hide | past | favorite | 8 comments

A DSL - where code is written in one language and errors in another - so bitterly true... :(

As Dave Thomas (of OTI not pragprog) said: It's no good unless you can debug at the level of the abstraction.

Excepting when the DSL designers neglected to include errors at all.

"framework — A product with the business logic removed, but all of the assumptions left in."

That made it worth reading all by itself.

No hat-tip to Stan Kelly-Bootle's "Devil's DP Dictionary"?

A more accurate title would be "The Devil's Dictionary of Silicon Valley".

my personal fav " hackday — A competition where the entry fee is sleep deprivation and the prize is vendor lock in"

Thank you so much for the laugh!

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