1. I spent a good deal of time tooling up and down 101. SV and Ess Eff are kinda like Atlanta and Alpharetta. If you walk into the Starbuck's at 5th & Spring on any work day and toss a quarter into the crowd it will land within 5 feet of an entrepreneur, an investor, or both.
2. Great point. Real estate is king in ATL. Read "The Man in Full" for more.
3. I think the social network is here. I literally sit and look at over it every day from my office window.
the quantity part maybe true and I could be wrong but I just feel there's not really many of them that are nuts enough...
people there are too conventional and practical, which isn't all bad but it's just not as conducive for innovation
Atlanta doesn't get many Christopher Klaus's - and they typically leave, while the list goes on and on in valley... the culture in Atlanta is just too different.
2. Great point. Real estate is king in ATL. Read "The Man in Full" for more.
3. I think the social network is here. I literally sit and look at over it every day from my office window.