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Sensationalist title but there are some parts with which I agree to some extent. I've heard about Meteor over a year ago but never thought about a use case where I felt the need to use it. Last week, we had a last minute project that required some sort of webapp that could allow X number of users viewing a certain page on the browser and editing things off simultaneously with good enough conflict resolution. Of course, I could have done it with Rails on the backend, rolling out my own reactive system with Server Sent Events updating the client. But as curious as I am, I decided to checkout Meteor and it was perfect for my case. In less than an hour (with Meteor) I had everything working as expected. The app was for a big social event and all it mattered in the end is that it worked and impressed everyone involved. No one really cares what you build it with, as long as you deliver. In my opinion, Meteor is worth a shot if you're building a small scale reactive system.

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