If anything you're being sexist by classifying this as a gender issue rather then a societal issue. Many of the things you listed effect both men and women. Sexual harassment and advances go both ways, for one. And if you speak up as a man you're considered an 'asshole'. No different then a 'bitch'. It's just childish terminology that really shouldn't be tolerated in the workplace to begin with. Women are equal now. Nobody sees hiring a woman as 'affirmative action' they are seen as somebody who will be an asset to the company. Somebody who can earn money. From what I've read recently their pay across the board is the same or better then their male counterparts, but don't quote me on this. You talk like this is the 50s, and it makes me wonder where you live that is so far in the past? In other parts of the world I will admit, being a man still carries a lot of advantages - not so much in the US.