If you want to make money money money you probably shouldn't be spending your time deriving Maxwell's equations for nonlinear media. If you want to do algorithm design but spend all your time doing HPC you are not heading in the right direction. If keep justifying your continued sojourn into a `temporary` field due to the emotion baggage established by time investment (`experience`) it might prevent you from making risky but rewarding choices.
There is something to be said about he dangers of staying in your comfort zone - which is certainly the case for 8 years of university education.
If what we value is not in the direction established by our experience then we may find that experience is a shackle for our dreams and a guide down a path of misery.
If you want to make money money money you probably shouldn't be spending your time deriving Maxwell's equations for nonlinear media. If you want to do algorithm design but spend all your time doing HPC you are not heading in the right direction. If keep justifying your continued sojourn into a `temporary` field due to the emotion baggage established by time investment (`experience`) it might prevent you from making risky but rewarding choices.
There is something to be said about he dangers of staying in your comfort zone - which is certainly the case for 8 years of university education.
If what we value is not in the direction established by our experience then we may find that experience is a shackle for our dreams and a guide down a path of misery.