In Epsilon's case those end users had direct consequences - their names and emails were compromised.
The end users of sites/apps/services using MongoHQ are probably unaffected in many cases since "a database" doesn't imply credit cards or even credentials or emails. The average database is probably just holding content for a site or app.
In probably close to all cases the end users would have no clue how they may be affected since they won't know what's in the databases, or what a database is.
The end users of sites/apps/services using MongoHQ are probably unaffected in many cases since "a database" doesn't imply credit cards or even credentials or emails. The average database is probably just holding content for a site or app.
In probably close to all cases the end users would have no clue how they may be affected since they won't know what's in the databases, or what a database is.