Just a quick update - I've disabled all email notifications from the alpha project (the source of these notifications). No more emails should be sent out. Again, very sorry about that. Rough day.
quick reply to feedback, that's what we appreciate, thank you for this!
Just my 2 cents:
* Why can't I use "," in my project name? My book is titled "Je sais ce que je fais, du moins je pense" but I had to replace the , by a .
* Fiction? My book is not really a fiction book, more of an autobiography.
* Edit to add/create files? I know you want to make it like git/svn but this is counter-intuitive (or maybe I missed something here?)
also. I might not be the best writer, but this is how I work : I have one folder for each big "chapters" that has several chapter_x.txt. And each chapter has a chapter_x_notes.txt with notes about the chapter I'm writing.
I wrote a small javascript/php client that reads my txt and display them like Emacs/Sublime Text 2 buffers and display my work on the left and the appropriate notes on the right. Because I really think that it's important to have a guideline at all moment when you're writing something.
For example :
+ china
- chapter 1 - first steps.txt
- chapter 1 - notes.txt
- chapter 2 - first meal.txt
- chapter 2 - notes.txt
+ france
- chapter 3 - paris.txt
- chapter 3 - notes.txt
* my connection crashed during a save, when I got my connection back the save wouldn't finish. I guess there is a timeout but then it should cancel the save and let me continue it when the connection comes back. I hope I make sense.
* for something as important as a book, I'm really scared doing that on an external website. I normally write on ST3 locally + dropbox for backup. I know I can download the thing on .epub,.pdf,.html etc... but I want to be able to download it in a way I can import it back to your application in case something goes wrong or I want to clone the project.
* I can't delete a file I'm currently editing
* When a filename is too long the bin icon when you hover it in the list of files on the left is overlaping with the name
* in my resolution, which is quite small, it doesn't scale very well, especially when I display the file tree on the left.
* Really need folders on this file tree.
* When editing a project, the only way to go back to its index page is to click on its name in the file tree. Not very clear. A breadcrumbs system would be nicer to tell you at least what project you're editing.
* Also I know this might be too much and too much of a fancy feature, but importing a folder (like the example three I gave you) would be very nice. I have to copy/paste all my .txt now