What's remarkable to me is the arrogance of Kamen, when to almost everyone it was clear that the Segway was a solution in search of a problem, and would ultimately fail.
Sometimes you have to take a risk. The Segway could have panned out much more differently than it did, there was a chance that it could have succeeded big.
How could the Segway panned out differently? (Serious question). I was quite exited to see it at first, but realistically it doesn't have many advantages over a bicycle, and a lot of disadvantages (biggest one is price).
It would have depended on adoption and some open creative thinking. The product is very cool, I'm glad they took a risk on this and there will be a nice payoff for society of not them directly.
Has anyone seen the cheap Chinese segway that works strictly at the shoe level? They loon very cool, but I'm too afraid to try it. Haven't seen them in use outside of china yet. Imagine seeing someone standing on a roomba going really fast.