Sure, but the main power and beauty of evolution is a direct result of the fact that it is an optimization algorithm. The fact that such an algorithm could just happen is astounding (although possibly inevitable, if universes are common and varied).
If I come across as cynical about this, it's a response to the way evolution as a process has been fetishized by people who don't understand it. People look at the application of evolutionary algorithms to solving difficult problems and conclude that evolution is smarter than humans. But evolution's power really comes from its dumbness. It works without understanding the problem, and so it can be used to solve problems we don't understand very well. But when we learn how to model a problem intelligently, we're generally able to crush the results of evolution.
If I come across as cynical about this, it's a response to the way evolution as a process has been fetishized by people who don't understand it. People look at the application of evolutionary algorithms to solving difficult problems and conclude that evolution is smarter than humans. But evolution's power really comes from its dumbness. It works without understanding the problem, and so it can be used to solve problems we don't understand very well. But when we learn how to model a problem intelligently, we're generally able to crush the results of evolution.