> Likewise, stick a guy in a fashion designers shop, or as a nurse (rather than licensed doctor), or a secretary. You get the inverse sexual harassment for not filling your "role".
Men are not outsiders in the fashion industry at all, its quite the opposite. Moreover, men have get better latitude for moving into job roles where workers are traditionally or majority women (the history of computer workers is an example of this). Finally, there is no such thing as inverse sexual harassment, there is just sexual harassment and we know that men in general experience sexual harassment less in the workplace than women.
Men are not outsiders in the fashion industry at all, its quite the opposite. Moreover, men have get better latitude for moving into job roles where workers are traditionally or majority women (the history of computer workers is an example of this). Finally, there is no such thing as inverse sexual harassment, there is just sexual harassment and we know that men in general experience sexual harassment less in the workplace than women.