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Hmmm... This kind of editing is great for trivial examples or when inputting text through tablet/phone and it beats WYSIWYG editors hands down, but for any serious work I still prefer WYMeditor: http://www.wymeditor.org/ (don't be fooled by apparent inactivity - they just don't update the page very often).

1. http://files.wymeditor.org/wymeditor-1.0.0b2/examples/01-bas...

2. Control+a

3. Backspace

4. Click numbered list icon.

5. Backspace

6. Click numbered list icon.

No numbered list re-appears.

I like the concept on the homepage, but the demo doesn't work in latest Chrome (or at least the demo page is blank) even though they say Chrome is supported.

Doesn't make a strong first impression..

+1 for WYMeditor; it's the best solution I've found to writing copy for the web, though I wish it didn't have to rely on Rangy.

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