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Why bother wasting effort on GUI?

GTK3 is good enough and QT seems more bloated and has more dependencies.

Anyway, I will use tcpdump.

Byebye, wireshark.

No different opinion allowed? Please give me more down vote, I do not care in fact.

It's not the difference of opinion, it's the fact your post adds nothing to the discussion. This adds even less.

Well, you know anyone can comment and surely can downvote him. If we need "to add something to discussion", let's have a moderation. Let a bunch of karam >= 500 to decide before publishing. Don't downvote. It's stupid.

There is a reason why upvote exists. It pushes good discussion top. If you are worrying about space complexity: good news! HN is using a modern database, not flat file. You can store 10k comments.

> There is a reason why upvote exists. It pushes good discussion top.

And downvoting helps push bad comments down, which is by design.

> If you are worrying about space complexity: good news! HN is using a modern database, not flat file. You can store 10k comments.

This is irrelevant to having a good discussion.

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